Quantum information science is an enabling field that will give rise to unprecedented capabilities beyond the reach of the current classical technologies. Our research is dedicated to harnessing unique quantum phenomena of light and matter, e.g., entanglement, to implement quantum-enhanced applications such as ultra-precise sensing, secure communications, physical simulations, and high-performance computing. Our research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Department of Energy, and industrial partners. Principal research thrusts of our group are summarized below.
Quantum Sensing
We use nonclassical states of light such as the squeezed state and entangled photons to build sensors that beat the performance of sensors using classical states of light. In this thrust, we both study fundamental problems such as quantum sensor networks based on multipartite entanglement and approaches to implement entangled sensor networks. We also collaborate with sensing and imaging groups to incorporate quantum resources into existing systems for a substantially improved performance.
Quantum Communications and Networks
We develop broadband quantum communication networks that are deployed in both fiber-based and free-space channels. State-of-the-art entangled-photon sources and nonconventional detection technologies are leveraged to increase the bandwidth and communication distance of quantum communication networks. The goal of this research thrust is to demonstrate functionalities for a quantum network that distributes entanglement at a global scale.
Quantum Devices and Materials
We use nanomaterials and their heterostructures to build quantum information processing devices. We are particularly interested in materials and devices that enable strong light-matter interactions and give rise to unique quantum states of light. Our current research in this thrust encompasses the development of integrated nonclassical sources of light and photonic quantum logic gates.
Quantum Data Processing
We employ nonclassical states of light in scalable photonic platforms to carry out quantum simulations and computing, for near-term applications in machine learning, data classification, and solving the dynamics of physical systems. At present, we are developing integrated quantum photonic platforms for quantum information processing and machine learning.